Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Cormac McCarthy's style of writing:
o        obscure vocabulary
o        fragments
o        lack of quotation marks--hard to distinguish speech from thought
o        not much intrusion from the author--author's voice
o        reader sees everything from the man's perspective-->3rd person limited point of view

Lots of description:
"High rock bluffs on the far side of the canyon with thin black trees clinging to the escarpment. The sound of the river faded. Then it returned. A cold wind blowing up from the country below. They were all day reaching the river" (37).
YOU write a short paragraph describing the view out the window or in the classroom that imitates the style of McCarthy.
Then explain in a sentence exactly how your paragraph demonstrates aspects of his style.

1 comment:

  1. The cold wind howled against the window. It had been raining for a few hours now, and it would be hard to stay dry without the roof over their heads. 100 percent chance of rain the television said. It was right.
