Friday, December 2, 2011

Emily: Christo's Wrapped Package on a Hand Truck

Christo, the arist of this sculpture peice, was born in 1945. Christo grew up in the Soviet Block, and spent years surrounded by a culture which actively promoted half-truths and outright lies to its citizens, as a way of staying in power. When 'everybody knows what a thing looks like', that usually means that people have stopped noticing it. He studied art, and in 1958 started to become famous for his 'Packages and wrapped Objects'. This peice is called 'A Package on a Hand Truck'. Christo's way of wrapping things realtes to The Road because of the constant need for The Man and The Boy to see things in a different way. They were stuck in an apocalypse, and they still 'carry the fire'


  1. This picture to me, portrays a man's belongings who is traveling. This relates to the Road because in The Road no one seems to really be living in a house. It seems as if the only living people are all traveling. If they were traveling I would imagine that what they brought with them would be something similar to this.

  2. This picture shows travel, it reminds me of the bag that the man had in The Road. Because the bag is wrapped around and is on a wheel barrel it seems the owner has to move around a lot and fast. It also seems to be all they have so they keep it safe by wrapping rope all around it, nothing can be lose because they need everything. It is almost a spitting image of the bag that the boy had so it represents not having a home and only caring the necessities.
