Thursday, December 1, 2011

Hayley's Richard Serra drawing

This is a painting by Richard Serra. The painting to me looks kind of aggressive. Its a circle with a lot of depth to it and angry splatters encompassing it. Maybe it was made to convey emotions he had about the universe at that time. He was angry about the way people on the earth were? The connection between this painting and the novel is pretty obvious. The painting could be similar to the way the earth would have looked in the Road after the apocalypse occurred. 


  1. this picture to me represents peoples way of life in the road. The majority of the painting is a black whole which represents the dead emptiness of the earth, and the white flecks look to me as though they are falling in to the hole representing how the last few people alive will eventually slip in or die.

  2. Interesting! The painting is probably quite beautiful when you see it close up. Serra is big on texture and on natural proces-->lots of large steel sculptures that rust over time and really define/dominate their landscapes.
