Thursday, December 1, 2011

Michael's ironic image

The artist who created this picture above is Maurizio Carrelan. He is known for his dark humor and is a comical artist who once made a sculpture of the pope hit with a meteor. This picture could be referring to chaos and fire being caused by humans and that we as a population are to blame. The art is closely related to the book because the apocalypse could have been caused by humans and that we could be responsible for our own demise. 


  1. This is actually a drawing from an artist's book. I wonder what the rest of it looked like! This is an interesting image, because it reminds me of the iconic "hand of God" on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel--the fresco painted by Michelangelo. Only it's the hand of God with a giant "thumb's down."

  2. What is Bregenz? You should look it up.
