Thursday, December 1, 2011

Valerie's image

This is a painting by the artist Mark Bradford called Bread and Circuses. The painting is Mixed-media collage on canvas by 133 x 253 in. Bradford creates “collages” – works made of paper but with the visual impact of painting. The picture has many colors, is a small circle bright silver piece layered with drawings, string and paper. The connection between The Road and the art is that in life you have many ways you can take but you have to be careful and responsible taking the risks that might happen. In life they are good and bad guys but you have to protect yourself, being responsible, do your best and keep moving forward. 


  1. I like your comparison of life in The Road to our everyday life. I think they are both risky, but rewarding and enjoyable in ways that are not immediately obvious. I also think this painting is really cool - especially the use of colors.

  2. During an apoloypse, everything must be in total caos. This painging by Mark Bradford creates caos on paper. This connects to The Road because of the trouble that The Man and The Boy go through during the whole book. Theyre is always something happening, and they're never quite sure what to do. The Man is 'the leader', but has never been though an apoclypse, so the coas is bought on by people not knowing which way to go.

  3. So--Emily--the painting is a metaphor for the movement of the book. That's a good point, and it's an interesting contrast to me that the only thing that keeps me reading, beside the love between the man and his son, is McCarthy's really beautiful, slowly paced language.
